Rescue Topics Index

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rescue logo. This page has links for information related to dog rescue, foster care, and adoption. The methods I describe are based on my own personal experience, and in some cases on miatakes I have made and want to warn others about. They are NOT the only way to do things and may not even be the best way, but they have worked well for me. I will be adding some articles by other people about methods that have worked well for them.
Information related to training and to solving behavioral problems is mostly under topics of Training and of Problems . People who do rescue fostering get a lot of wonderful experience in training and problem solving as well as other dog care issues.



(Resources for Rescuers and Adopters)

  • Bouviers currently available for adoption in N. California    (no longer being updated regularly) Note : the Bouvier Club of Northern California no longer seems to be active in rescue, but the Southern California Bouvier des Flandres Club does actively rescue in northern CA and I am their "director" (coordinator) for this northern area.
  • Bouviers currently available for adoption in S. California (no longer being updated regularly ). See the SCBDC site at (this link will open in a new window)
  • Bouviers currently available for adoption located outside of California : selected individuals with whose placement I have been asked to help (I am no longer updating this information), For national searches , use the links to and to the American Bouvier Rescue League site (those links will each open in a new window)
  • My own "du Clos de la FouriÀre" ("from the enclosure of the animal pound") Rescue, for Bouviers, Bouvier crosses, and Bouvier "pretenders", is now on at I joined Petfinder to get needed extra exposure for those dogs who are not purebred Bouviers and thus are excluded from the Bouvier Club of Northern California's rescue program.
  • Update : BCNC doesn't really have much of a rescue program any more. But the Southern California Bouvier des Flandres Club is still very active in rescue and I am part of their program. See the SCBDC site at (this link will open in a new window)
  • In California most shelters and rescues use either or and a few shelters, rescues, and owners use (and you can go directly to Bouv listings by clicking (these links will each open in a new window).
  • Most individual city and county shelters and most rescue grroups have their own web sites. You can find them with Google or another search engine. Because Bouviers are not infrequently mis-identified as some other breed, you may want to look at all the photos of larger sized dogs, especially those described as black or grey or beige / brown.

Table of Contents

Rescue and Rhetoric

rebuttals to anti-rescue polemics, rebuttals to setting breeders and rescues as adversaries.

Helping Shelters Survive Budget Cuts

(actually ideas on helping shelters do more good with less costs)

These ideas are also ideas for legal reforms ; see also Ideas on Legal Reforms below.

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Primarily for Adopters

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Primarily for Rescuers and Foster Homes

(This material is also for Shelters and Shelter workers, and for owners seeking to place their own dogs.)

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  • before and at the shelter, bail & transport

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  • during foster care

  • return to Table of contents

  • dealing with adopters

  • return to Table of contents

  • financial / tax issues

  • return to Table of contents

  • if an adoption isn't working out

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  • miscellaneous rescue related

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    Issues related to Puppy Mills, Irresponsible Breeders

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    Ideas on Legal Reforms

    I will be adding this section sometime in the next few months I hope. Currently there are a lot of local city and county efforts to reduce shelter intakes and shelter deaths by various measures intended to reduce casual breeding. That is certainly part of the answer, but not all of the answer.

    see also Helping Shelters Survive Budget Cuts,which proposes changes in laws.

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    Pam's Foster Dogs

    (recent and current)

    I have not been using my own site for listing my foster dogs these past few years ; I post them on Petfinder. My petfinder shelter page is at

    For a more up to date listing of dogs currently available and of those recently placed, please see the page Bouviers Available in Northern California which includes my own listings, or see my listings on Petfinder (note : the dogs available are no longer up to date; only goes through 2008)

    My "du Clos de la FouriÀre" ("from the enclosure of the animal pound") Rescue, for Bouviers, Bouvier crosses, and Bouvier "pretenders", is now on at I joined Petfinder to get needed extra exposure for those dogs who are not purebred Bouviers and thus are excluded from the Bouvier Club of Northern California's rescue program.

    For Rescue contacts in Southern California, please see Bouviers Available in Southern California. The dogs available are no longer up to date. The contacts are still active as of 2020.

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    Gallery of Rescued Dogs

    "before" & "after" photos

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    Rescue Songs and Verse

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    WHAT'S NEW ?

    site author Pam Green copyright 2003
    Pam's e-mail address has changed tips on site use
    created 1/8/03 revised 9/08/2020
    return to Welcome page go to the Farewell page with links to other sites