This page has links for information related to dog rescue, foster care, and adoption. The methods I describe are based on my own personal experience, and in some cases on miatakes I have made and want to warn others about. They are NOT the only way to do things and may not even be the best way, but they have worked well for me. I will be adding some articles by other people about methods that have worked well for them.
Information related to training and to solving behavioral problems is mostly under topics of Training and of Problems . People who do rescue fostering get a lot of wonderful experience in training and problem solving as well as other dog care issues.
(Resources for Rescuers and Adopters)
- Bouviers currently available for adoption in N. California (no longer being updated regularly) Note : the Bouvier Club of Northern California no longer seems to be active in rescue, but the Southern California Bouvier des Flandres Club does actively rescue in northern CA and I am their "director" (coordinator) for this northern area.
- Bouviers currently available for adoption in S. California (no longer being updated regularly ). See the SCBDC site at http://www.scbdfc.com. (this link will open in a new window)
- Bouviers currently available for adoption located outside of California : selected individuals with whose placement I have been asked to help (I am no longer updating this information), For national searches , use the links to Petfinder.com and to the American Bouvier Rescue League site (those links will each open in a new window)
- My own "du Clos de la FouriÀre" ("from the enclosure of the animal pound") Rescue, for Bouviers, Bouvier crosses, and Bouvier "pretenders", is now on Petfinder.com at http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA899.html. I joined Petfinder to get needed extra exposure for those dogs who are not purebred Bouviers and thus are excluded from the Bouvier Club of Northern California's rescue program.
- Update : BCNC doesn't really have much of a rescue program any more. But the Southern California Bouvier des Flandres Club is still very active in rescue and I am part of their program. See the SCBDC site at http://www.scbdfc.com. (this link will open in a new window)
- In California most shelters and rescues use either Petfinder.com or PetHarbor.com and a few shelters, rescues, and owners use RescueMe.org (and you can go directly to Bouv listings by clicking bouvier.rescueme.org/California (these links will each open in a new window).
- Most individual city and county shelters and most rescue grroups have their own web sites. You can find them with Google or another search engine. Because Bouviers are not infrequently mis-identified as some other breed, you may want to look at all the photos of larger sized dogs, especially those described as black or grey or beige / brown.
rebuttals to anti-rescue polemics, rebuttals to setting breeders and rescues as adversaries.
- A Dog is a Car is a Computer is a Tennis Racquet -- NOT !, rebuttal to an article attacking use of terms like "adopt", "rescue", etc and attacking shelters and rescues generally.
- Then Give Me Another Word for It , rebuttal to article attacking use of terms indicating that the dog is a member of the family.
- why blaming "breeders" indiscriminantly is unjust and actually counter-productive to doing good Rescue work. Slogans like "adopt, don't shop" and , worse yet, "buy one, get one killed" are manifestations of the problem. Good breeders and good rescue people should be allies, not enemies. (and quite a few good breeders also do rescue work.)
- "Owner" or "Guardian" or perhaps "Protector" ?, a response to an article by Jon Katz.
(actually ideas on helping shelters do more good with less costs)
These ideas are also ideas for legal reforms ; see also Ideas on Legal Reforms below.
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- Adopters, Prioritize Your Wish List ! (how to figure out what qualites really matter to you in a dog to be adopted)
- Match-Making Dogs to People : factors to be considered, especially in shelter or rescue match-making
- Adopters, Keep in Touch with Rescue (how to make it easy for Rescue to tell you about dogs newly available for adoption)
- How changes in the Shelter Scene affect Adopter's Strategies (why you need to check shelter websites and Petfinder.com as well as staying in touch with Rescue.).
- Bringing Your New Dog Home, advice on the initial entry of your newly adopted dog (or puppy) into your home and introduction to the dogs you already have. advice for the first few days.
- Pairs or Singles ?, issues that arise when Rescue takes in two dogs from same home, and issues for Adopters considering multi0dog household.
- Don't Dump the Dog by Randy Grim , book review by Pam Green, a book about problem solving behavior problems especially problems that adopters may have to deal with, but really could be any dog at all.
- Dog Meets Dog, methods of introducing a new dog (new foster dog or new adoption) to one's already resident dogs
- Why I don't do Long Distance Adoptions : concerning the risks and difficulties for dog, adopter, and rescue/foster home if a dog is to be adopted by someone who lives at a long distance from the location of the foster home.
- Adopter's Guidebook (detailed advice on caring for a newly adopted dog; also much information on my own methods of foster care; used in conjunction with the Adopter's Information Summary), revised 8/05.
- Adopter's Information Summary (concise summary of information on individual dog's temperament, behavior, medical, training, etc data). revised 8/05
- Simple Adoption Contract (extremely simple contract that I used in conjunction with Adopter's Guidebook and Adopter's Information Summary)
- Rebuttal to Kipling (The Power of a Dog) (poem)
- To those who want to adopt a young puppy
- "Seven Ages of Bouvier" how life stages relate to rescue and adoption issues
- see also articles on financial and tax issues, under "for Rescuers" below
- Backyard Breeders' Excuse List (excuses for bad breeding practices compiled by Denna Pace) phrases that can help you to red flag an irresponsible or casual breeder
- "How Could You?" by Jim Willis (the last thoughts of an abandoned dog)
- the story of Hazel, a backyard puppy mill breeding bitch abandoned by her owner and rescued (4/13/06) by BCNC. Warning : this story is not a pretty one !! But it illustrates loud an clear why you should avoid buying dogs from a backyard puppy mill or a large scale puppy mill.
- shows about dogs on television, because this is how many people get their information and misinformation.
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(This material is also for Shelters and Shelter workers, and for owners seeking to place their own dogs.)
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before and at the shelter, bail & transport
- How to Identify Bouvs at the Pound (distinguish from those other breeds most likely to be confused with Bouvier). This page presents the information in paragraph form and is the better one to use for visually impaired persons using text readers.
- Breed Identification Chart , chart comparing observable characteristics of Bouvier to those of a wide range of other breeds that might be confused with the Bouvier in a pound or shelter situation. Because this is in table form, it probably won't work well for those of you using text readers. The previous link , How to Identify Bouvs at the Pound, would work better and is in paragraph form.
- photo pages of Bouviers in various states of appearance and photo pags of other breeds which may be confused with Bouviers --- this is a Coming Attraction that I am working on. I hope to have it ready by the end of March, 2005. Update :I haven't done this but ABRL has : see http://www.abrl.org/files/guess_the_breed_game.pdf, a photo quiz to see if you can identify Bouv vs other breeds. Notice that almost all these photos could be Bouvs ; there was only one I was (fairly) sure was not a Bouv. This link will open in a new window.
- What to Do When the Shelter Calls (guide for Rescue Chair or phone person in handling call from shelter saying they have a dog of your breed; handling the call and what to do next) by Ada Brann
- Sample Phone Conversation with the Shelter (shelter calling to say they have a dog of your breed ; how to elicit maximum cooperation through appropriate praise) by Ada Brann
- Bail Out ASAP (immediate need to get a dog out of the Pound)
- My Very First Rescued Bouvier. The story of Ariane.
- Sweetie, adopted by me. She illustrates that one's initial impression of a dog at the shelter may be quite misleading. A bad first impression should not discourage you from giving that dog a fair chance to be rehabilitated in foster care.
- Transporting a Newly Rescued Dog Safely
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during foster care
- Adopter's Guidebook (detailed advice on caring for a newly adopted dog; also much information on my own methods of foster care and why I do what I do ; used in conjunction with the Adopter's Information Summary), revised 8/05.
- Adopter's Information Summary (concise summary of information on individual dog's temperament, behavior, medical, training, etc data). revised 8/05. can be used as periodic evaluation of dog's behavior.
- Foster Housing for Rescued Dogs, how to house the rescued dog : kenneling vs in house vs some of each.
- Pairs or Singles ?, issues that arise when Rescue takes in two dogs from same home, and issues for Adopters considering multi0dog household.
- How to do a Rescue of an Under-aged Litter , by Michelle Mace : rescue of puppies less than 7 weeks old , especially when the mother bitch does not accompany the pups.
- "Seven Ages of Bouvier" how life stages relate to rescue and adoption issues
- Spay or Neuter Before Placement , and things to do before surgery.
- Housebreaking the Rescued Dog (especially an adult)
- How to Advertise the Rescued Dog to Potential Adopters (how to obtain initial contact with a pool of potential adopters; how to have them find you)
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dealing with adopters
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financial / tax issues
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if an adoption isn't working out
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miscellaneous rescue related
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Issues related to Puppy Mills, Irresponsible Breeders
- What can we do about Backyard Breeders ? , " Backyard Breeders, Puppy Millers and Rescue", by BCNC Rescue Chair.
- Backyard Breeders' Excuse List (excuses for bad breeding practices compiled by Denna Pace) phrases that can help you to red flag an irresponsible or casual breeder
- the story of Hazel, a backyard puppy mill breeding bitch abandoned by her owner and rescued (4/13/06) by BCNC. Warning : this story is not a pretty one !! But it illustrates loud an clear why you should avoid buying dogs from a backyard puppy mill or a large scale puppy mill.
- How to Read an Ad , a guide to reading newspaper and web ads for puppies or dogs for sale, emphsizing the clues that tell you that the advertiser is likley to be a good responsible breeder or some kind of large scale or small scale puppy mill. Including a "Pop Quiz" of 7 more internet ads for you to analyze and then see my own analysis.. .
- How to Respond to Ads , an article about conversations with breeders and rescue people. What are the questions you should ask to determine if you want to get a puppy or dog from this person. What are the "red flags" that indicate a breeder you should avoid like the Black Death ? What are the questions that you should expect to be asked.
- guest article "Designer Dogs : super mixes or mixed blessings ?" by Deborah Wood, reprinted with author's permission. As a rescue person or as an adopter , you will need to have a realistic view of this latest dog fad and the bad logic behind it. You will sometimes have oppertunity to prevent an intentional cross-breeding, thus preventing birth of future shelter intakes.
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Ideas on Legal Reforms
I will be adding this section sometime in the next few months I hope. Currently there are a lot of local city and county efforts to reduce shelter intakes and shelter deaths by various measures intended to reduce casual breeding. That is certainly part of the answer, but not all of the answer.
see also Helping Shelters Survive Budget Cuts,which proposes changes in laws.
- Permits for Rescuers, a proposal for local jurisdictions to grant Rescue Foster homes a permit or license to have an extra animal as a foster animal, ie to have one more than zoning laws would allow.
- Prohibiting Rental Discrimination Against Pets : proposing a way to reduce shelter intake numbers and , maybe, increase license compliance, S/N compliance, and adoptions.
- Where are Shelter intakes coming from ? a call for a scheme of permanent identification for dogs and cats and DMV type registration of ownership and original source (breeder, pet shop), so that we can find out where the majority of shelter intakes and deaths are coming from. Without knowing the source of the problem , it is impossible to design a solution or legislate towards a remedy.
- Rational Approach to Licensing Pets, Pet Owners, and Breeders. This is a long analysis of some alternatives that might be more reasonable than those currently proposed . Current proposals over-emphasize spay/neuter and ignore owner education and need for dogs to be trained for good public and private behavior. I am proposeing to license owners and breeders based on educational attainments and track record of not causing trouble. I am proposing to license dogs based as much on their proof of basic training as on their spay/neuter status.
- On the Relationship of Domestic Pets and Humans as being a Symbiosis , ie that the relationship between dogs and people is normally mutually beneficial and likewise that between cats and humans and that any legislation that purports to promote dog and cat welfare must recognize this and promote and protect that relationship. Dogs and cats should not be exterminated nor turned loose to "go back to the wild."
- Fanatics : Owner's Rights, Animal Rights, a discussion of fanaticism at both ends of the spectrum : at one end, those who feel animals are property and no laws should limit the owner's actions ; at the other end, those who feel animals should not be owned at all.
- Pets for Ethical Treatement of All Humans, a humourous piece about "exploitation" of pets by people and vice versa, with links to some serious articles.
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(recent and current)
I have not been using my own site for listing my foster dogs these past few years ; I post them on Petfinder. My petfinder shelter page is at http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA899.html
For a more up to date listing of dogs currently available and of those recently placed, please see the page Bouviers Available in Northern California which includes my own listings, or see my listings on Petfinder (note : the dogs available are no longer up to date; only goes through 2008)
My "du Clos de la FouriÀre" ("from the enclosure of the animal pound") Rescue, for Bouviers, Bouvier crosses, and Bouvier "pretenders", is now on Petfinder.com at http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/CA899.html. I joined Petfinder to get needed extra exposure for those dogs who are not purebred Bouviers and thus are excluded from the Bouvier Club of Northern California's rescue program.
For Rescue contacts in Southern California, please see Bouviers Available in Southern California. The dogs available are no longer up to date. The contacts are still active as of 2020.
- currently AVAILABLE for adoption : will no longer be on this page ; see the links just above. Petfinder.com is the premier pet finding site, but PetHarbor.com and RescueMe.org are also worth searching.
- already ADOPTED
I am going to eliminate most of these stories as they can be found on Bouviers Available in Northern California in the section "dogs previously fostered and placed" which has dogs placed before 2009. I will just leave some representative cases here.
- My Very First Rescued Bouvier. The story of Ariane.
- Sweetie, adopted by me in 1993. She illustrates that one's initial impression of a dog at the shelter may be quite misleading. A bad first impression should not discourage you from giving that dog a fair chance to be rehabilitated in foster care.
- Ashley, new intake June 15, 2006. I have not yet posted her information. she is young (9 months) bitch and came to me very timid and afraid of people , but has improved substantially in her first 3 weeks. ADOPTED 2006.
- Shady, adult neutered male, is AVAILABLE ; a good dog with one behavior issue. PLEASE READ THIS PAGE ALL THE WAY THROUGH. Shady went through some tough times but is a genuinely adoptable dog. ADOPTED by myself after being in foster care for two years.
- Alfred , an adult neutered male, smart and pushy, needs a packleader, has been ADOPTED
- Poirot, 2 year old boy, cute and clever, not a Bouvier, but some kind of terrier mix, has been ADOPTED.
- Chewbacca, 10 month old Bouv puppy has been adopted.
- Ophelia2 year old bitch, has been ADOPTED.
- Thurman, rescued from bad situation, sweet well behaved neutered male, has been ADOPTED.
- Peavy, 3 year old girl, sweet submissive is rescued by Tri Valley Animal Rescue, has been adopted.
- Hard Times aka "Hardy", has been ADOPTED by a very special home.
- Hope, has been ADOPTED
- Lucky, a Bouvier x Golden bitch, has been ADOPTED.
- Boon (aka BooBoo), former BCNC foster dog, has been ADOPTED
- Bouclette has been ADOPTED !! (UPDATED 10/22/03)
- Zorro now ADOPTED (UPDATED 8/16/03)
- Jake has been ADOPTED (9/21/03)
- Jackie, catching a nap in her new home ADOPTED
- deceased during foster care
These are mostly dogs who were very elderly at time of intake or had major medical issues at time of intake or developed them during foster care. (The exception is Zeke, too much of a bite risk to be placed.)
- Hazel, a backyard puppy mill breeding bitch abandoned by her owner and rescued (4/13/06) by BCNC. Warning : this story is not a pretty one !! But it illustrates loud an clear why you should avoid buying dogs from a backyard puppy mill or a large scale puppy mill.
- Moma's story, a senior rescue who lived out her life with me
- Walter, a sweet old man, lived out his life with me.
- Paddy's story, a senior rescue, lived out his life with me.
- Sage, elderly neutered male Bouvier, AVAILABLE for adoption; a very sweet gentle dog with some health issues. He died in my care after a year of good quality living.
- Princess, gentle 13 year old bitch, abandoned by her owners. A few months after rescue she was diagnosed with Lymphoma, but thanks to treatment she was able to live another 9 months and died peacefully in my care at age 14 plus.
- Zeke (an apparently nice dog but proved to be unpredictable biter , too dangerous to place, therefore euthanized)
- Jewel (terminally ill when rescued ; able to enjoy a period of happy life before surrendering to her illness.)
- Jose (secretly ill when rescued ; incurrably suffereing, therefore euthanized)
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"before" & "after" photos
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- I Found a Bouvier (a rescue / adoption song)
- The Bouv Pretender (song about a not-quite-Bouv facing death at the Pound ; if this does not break your heart, you are heartless !)
- They Asked Me Could I Prove (this pound dog was a Bouv), song about challenges of breed identification at the pound. this song is not yet finished, but I don't know when I will complete it. with a MIDI track.
- Rebuttal to Kipling (The Power of a Dog) (poem)
- The Dogs Mourn a Rescuer , verse I wrote a few years back, has been used at a local rescue person's memorial services.
- Dr Robertson, a song for Dr Jyothi Vinnakota Robertson DVM, graduate of the residency program in Shelter Medicine at U C Davis. with MIDI track.
- The Official Veeblefetzer Site, by Len Gaska, a bit of a satire on breed standards and on restricting breed rescue to unquestionable purebreds. not really a verse, but doesn't fit in well elsewhere.
- There's Always Room for One More, and there often is a way to rescue that one more dog , even if you can only do short-term foster then find a better situtation.
- I Want to Quit, about the hardships of doing rescue work, why at times one wants to quit doing it, but why it's so worthwhile that one will never quit while one still has the ability to do it.
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