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A Pet's Farewell

author unknown, © 1999

I am not sure where I found this one. It's what your dog might say to you if dogs could contemplate their mortality. Dogs certainly can and do know all too well when you are worried, even though they may not know that it is their impending demise that has you so anguished.

A Pet's Farewell

Weep not for me, my trusted friend, for I leave you with the joy of our time together tucked deep in my heart.

I carry your warm smile that greeted me every day, that you tried to hide when I ran through the house with my toys, or hid your gloves under the sofa. The smile that came across your face when you first saw me and picked me up. That smile will never fade.

I carry your laughter when I did something silly; when we raced across the fields playing in the high grass, the sunshine warming our faces; when I scooted across the floor chasing my ball.

I carry your tears when you were sad and I curled on your lap in comfort; when I licked those tears from your face to help you heal.

I carry your joy when we played with my toys, when I came and sat and rolled over for the first time. The joy when you tapped your chest and I jumped in your arms. The joy I saw on your face every night when you came home.

I carry the love in your heart when I grew stiff and old, when my eyesight failed and you helped me find my way. The love that carried me gently to your bed to lay by your side throughout the night. The love that kept me safe and warm on cold winter nights. The love that nursed me when I was sick.

I carry the look in your eyes that touched my soul with tenderness.

I carry the warmth in your heart, for I know you gave yours to me, as I did mine to you. I understand.

        - Author unknown


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site author Pam Green copyright 2003
created Dec, 1999 revised 9/08/2020
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