You need QuickTime to see this movie.
And I will add a movie of my Queensland, Fox, playing with a bottle. Fox's play is especially predatory. This will also be a QuickTime, but it's got the ".mov" suffix on it instead of the ".mpg" (which is what the Grover movie has) and I want to find out if one or the other works better for my viewers. (Update : actually both were saved in QuickTime, so for you Mac people both have file type MooV and creator code TVOD).
What the difference seems to be on my own Mac is that when I specify a double size image size , the "mpg" file shows up in double size but less sharp focus (because it's being shown double size) but the "mov" file shows up in it's original size. The difference in lighting, ie Grover being less well illuminated, is in the original movie. But it might also be a difference in the way I saved the movie , as I may have saved Grover in double size. I need to play around with this some more. (UPDATE : I did indeed save Grover's clip in double size, but saved Fox's clip in normal size.)
The camera is an old Sony Mavica 200 which can take video of up to 15 seconds.
If anyone wants to e-mail me about any difficulties with either of these movies, please include information as to what type of computer (Mac or PC or ??), what opperating system, and what browser and browser version. My e-mail address is below.

Related topics :
- When Dogs Collide : distinguishing play versus status squabble versus serious fight, and what your options are if two dogs in a home cannot get along.
- external link to Grover Playing with Plastic Bottle QuickTime movie (MPG file, about 250 kb, about 10 seconds long) This movie will open in a new window which you can close after viewing.. You can download this movie by (in Mac) control-click the link , then choose "save link to disk" or (in windows) right-click the link and then choose "save target to disk". Then play the movie in an application of your choice ; it certainly should play in Quicktime / QuickTime for Windows.
- external link to Fox Playing with Plastic Bottle, QuickTime movie (MOV file, about 250 kb, about 10 seconds long.) This movie will open in a new window which you can close after viewing. For download instructions, see previous link.
- If you do not have QuickTime installed, you can get it from the Apple site at If you are on a Windows computer, you may also need the Active X plugin from Each of these links will open in a new window of your browser.