Pet First Aid

(book review)

An excellent book about First Aid for dogs and cats, written by a veterinarian experienced in Emergency and Critical Care, published for distribution by the American Red Cross.

Pet First Aid

by Bobbie Mammato, DVM, MPH

pub 1997 by Mosby , $10 from American Red Cross

reviewed by Pam Green

This book is written under the auspices of the American Red Cross and the Humane Society of the US. Proceeds of sales go to benefit these two worthy organizations. Author is experienced in emergency and critical care and also has Masters in public health. content was also reviewed by two other vets with major credentials in animal emergency and critical care as well as 2 more vets and various other reviewers.

Content covers Emergency protocols, including on scene assessment, recognizing emergencies, CPR and related , shock, choking, bleeding , safe transport of trauma victim. how to assess pulse, breathing, temperature, mucous membrane color and capillary refill and dehydration. The rest of the book is an encyclopedia of common emergency and first aid situations, ranging from very severe situations in which you would provide stabilizing first aid and get the dog or cat to the vet fast as possible to a variety of minor situations in which proper first aid is probably all that will be needed. Also recommended contents of a first aid kit for pets and advice on pet choice, health maintenance, daily care, "the hidden disease : overpopulation", "a lost pet's ticket home : ID", travel with pets, disaster preparedness. Also info for owners with serious medical conditions on where they may find support to enable them to keep their pets as long as possible. Very well illustrated with drawings that make the procedures wonderfully clear, including modified procedures for various sized animals, eg really large dogs.

This is an excellent book for any pet guardian. I would recommend it to anyone to read and reread periodically. Knowing beforehand what to do in an emergency can give you great confidence and remove a lot of worry -- especially from those who tend to become anxious at the slightest possible symptom from their adored pet. And would recommend that if anyone is pet sitting for you, make sure they have this book close at hand and preferably have looked thru it. Take it with you when you travel. Your local Red Cross office should have it available. Very much worth the $10.


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site author Pam Green copyright 2003
created 6/5/03 revised 6/5/03
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