A psalm of gratitude for all the wonderful ways our Bouviers can take care of us and enrich our lives. For those dependent on a dog for managing livestock, for tracking for evidence or finding lost people, for personal freedom and security in a dangerous world, for personal freedom that would otherwise be curtailed by physical handicap, or simply for emotional comfort and a bulwark against sorrow or depression, a good dog is truly a savior. If any of you find the religious tone objectionable, let me remind you that no one ever started a Crusade , Jihad, Inquisition, or Holocaust in the name of spiritual commitment to their dog or breed of dog.


by Pam Green , © 2000

The Bouv is my shepherd , She brings sheep back :
She fetcheth them forth from green pastures ;
She fordeth them accross the creek waters ;
She restoreth them to my feet.
Yea, though my flock be full of new lambs,
I shall fear no evil, for She is with me.
Surely my sheep and my Bouv shall follow me all the trails of my life,
And I shall dwell in my house with the Bouvier forever.
The Bouv is my shepherd, She loves to track :
She draggeth me accross the green meadows;
She tracketh accross the bare furrows;
She retrieveth the glove for the games sake.
Yea, though we track through the valleys and hilltops,
I shall fear no crosstracks, for She shall lead me;
Surely I shall follow Her harness and line all the tracks of our lives,
And I shall dwell in my house with the Bouvier forever.
The Bouv is my shepherd, She guards my back :
She heeleth a halflength behind me;
She knoweth the souls of mankind ;
Her jaws and Her paws defendeth me;
Yea though I must walk thruough the night streets and alleys in darkness,
I shall fear no evil, for She is with me;
Surely no robber or rapist shall follow me all the nights of my life
And I shall dwell in my house with the Bouvier forever.
The Bouv is my shepherd, and Her strong back
Draggeth my wheelchair up curbstones;
She keepeth my wallet and meds in Her backpack;
She restoreth dropped carkeys unto my hand for a ride's sake.
Yea, though I roll thru a world filled with obstacles,
I shall fear no evil for She is with me.
Surely She shall assist me all the days of my life,
And I shall dwell in my house with the Bouvier forever.
The Bouv is my shepherd, I shall not lack :
Her furry warm body doth comfort me;
She annointeth my bedspread with hairs;
She restoreth my soul.
Yea, though I walk through the valleys of sorrow,
I shall surmount all evils, for She is with me.
Surely Bouvier feet and Bouvier love shall follow me all the days of my life
And I shall dwell in my house with the Bouvier forever.


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site author Pam Green copyright 2003
created 4/12/03 revised ?/?/03
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