This is a song about my own dogs , Chelsea and Bones, written when Bones was still young and approaching his prime competition years and Chelsea was past mid-life and was gradually retireing from various forms of work. Our training and competition years were truly the Golden Age of my life. Not just because we always won the "gold", because in fact usually we didn't, but because there was always challenge and often some exhilerating accomplishment. Chelsea has been dead for over 10 years and I still miss her; Bones has been dead for over 3 years and I still miss him.
Incidentally, the phrase "boudoir Bouvier" had been used over and over, again by one working oriented breeder and writer as a term of contempt for dogs who were pretty but were not proven in work (by which he meant exclusively Schutzhund), ie a dog good for nothing but lying in idleness on silken pillows on the sofa. Since I found this particular writer to be a bit bigoted as well as fanatical, I took some pleasure in changing the meaning to something more reasonable, ie the dog who can work up a storm but who sleeps on my bed and lounges on the sofa. And of course I had a lot of fun with the French rhymes!
As for the line "he looks just like a mutt", that was the prounouncement of that "father of the modern Bouvier", Justin Chastel, when he did conformation evaluations at the SCBDFC Annual Working Trial : "he looks almost like a mutt, but he works better than any of the showdogs." I should add that at this time Bones was about 18 months , a gangling adolescent at the very nadir of his appearance. He was at maturity a dog whose excellent functional structure gave him stamina and kept him athletic way into his old age, so that he was still able to herd sheep at an age when most Bouviers are dead or in wheelchairs.
THE BOUVIER OF MY BOUDOIR(to tune of "Captain of the Pinafore ", Gilbert & Sullivan)by Pam Green , © 1990I am the partner of a Bouvier who exceeds my ev'ry goal : I am the partner of a Bouvier who taught me ev'rything I know:
So give three cheers, and one cheer more, I am the partner of a Bouvier who truly is a joy to teach: I am the partner of a Bouvier who fulfills my ev'ry dream :
So give three cheers, and one cheer more , I am the partner of 2 Bouviers who share my life by night & day: So give three cheers and one cheer more for Chelsea de Caelichyth ("Chelsea") Xterminator van de Vuilvoet ("Bones") |
site author Pam Green | copyright 2003 |
created 1990 | revised 6/23/03 |
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